Dr. Jessica Beltrán Márquez

PhD in Computer Science, Data Scientist, Ubicomp, Pervasive Healthcare

I have a PhD degree in Computer Science from CICESE, México. As part of my doctoral dissertation, I worked with auditory information to infer the context of older adults. My overall research goal is to advance research in activity and behavior estimation to support the development of pervasive applications, particularly in the domain of healthcare. I am interested in Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Feature Extraction, Context-Aware Computing and Information Retrieval. I received M.Sc. in Computer Science from CICESE, México. As part of my master’s thesis, I worked with image processing and classification for identifying tattoos as part of a soft biometric application. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering at Sonora Institute of Technology, México. Currently, I am working as Researcher Professor at the Research Center of Applied Math (CIMA) from the Autonomus University of Coahuila (UAdeC).

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