Peer reviewed Journals
Deep Learning-Based Action Classification for Parents and Children with Down Syndrome in Educational Settings
Carlos Ramón Galindo-López, Jessica Beltrán, Cynthia B. Pérez, Karina Caro, Adrán Macías and Luis A. Castro.
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
A Young Adults' Instagram Posts and Depressive Moods: A Study in Mexico in the Wild.
Iván A. Encinas-Monroy, Jessica Beltrán, Luis H. Sánchez, Luis-Felipe Rodríguez, Adrán Macías, Cynthia B. Pérez, Manuel Domitsu, Luis A. Castro.
Computación y Sistemas
A comprehensive dataset integrating household energy consumption and weather conditions in a north-easter Mexican urban city.
Baldemar Aguirre-Fraire, Jessica Beltrán, Valeria Soto-Mendoza
Data in brief
IoT-based system for campus community security
Berenice Flores-Salgado, Sergio-Jesus Gonzalez-Ambriz, Ciro-Andrés Martínez-García-Moreno, Jessica Beltrán
Internet of Things
Speaker Identification in Interactions between Mothers and Children with Down Syndrome via audio Analysis: A Case Study in Mexico
Carlos R. Flores-Carballo, Gabriel A. Molina-Arenas, Adrian Macías, Karina Caro, Jessica Beltrán
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
Assisting older adults with medication reminders through an audio-based activity recognition system
Marcela D. Rodríguez, Jessica Beltrán, Maribel Valenzuela-Beltrán, Dagoberto Cruz-Sandoval & Jesus Favela
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 2020 System to Detect Anxiety Manifestations by Acoustic Patterns in Patients with Dementia
Netzahualcoyotl Hernandez, Matias Garcia-Constantino, Jessica Beltran, Pascal Hecker, Jesus Favela, Joseph Rafferty, Ian Cleland, Hussein Lopez, Bert Arnrich, and Ian McChesney
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology2020 Data Labeling for Activity Recognition in Pervasive Healthcare
Dagoberto Cruz-Sandoval, Jessica Beltran-Marquez, Matias Garcia-Constantino, Luis A. Gonzalez-Jasso, Jesus Favela, Irvin Hussein Lopez-Nava, Ian Cleland, Andrew Ennis, Netzahualcoyotl Hernandez-Cruz, Joseph Rafferty, Jonathan Synnott and Chris Nugent
Sensors2019 drivers’ visual focus attention through head-mounted inertial sensors
José M Ramírez, Marcela D Rodríguez, Ángel G Andrade, Luis A Castro, Jessica Beltrán, Josué S Armenta
IEEE Acces201910.1109/ACCESS.2019.2960567Recognition of audible disruptive behavior from people with dementia
Jessica Beltrán, René Navarro, Edgar Chávez,· Jesús Favela, Valeria Soto-Mendoza, Catalina Ibarra
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 2019 Techniques for Eye Movements Analysis towards Supporting Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Review
Jessica Beltrán, Mireya S. García-Vázquez, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Luis Miguel Gutierrez-Robledo, and Jean-François Dartigues
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine2018 identification of mixed environmental sounds, recorded from heterogeneous sources
Jessica Beltrán, Edgar Chávez, Jesús Favela
Pattern Recognition LettersElsevier2015 chapters
Collaborative Opportunistic Sensing of Human Behavior with Mobile Phones
Castro, LA., Beltran-Marquez, J., Favela, J., Chavez, E., Perez, M., Rodriguez, MD., Navarro, R., Quintana,
Editor Mary Mehrnoosh Eshaghian-Wilner, PhD ., J.D., John Wiley & Sons 2016 papers (peer reviewed)
Alberto Angulo, Jessica Beltrán, Luis Castro, Human activity recognition for packing processes using CNN-biLSTM, 10th International Workshop on Human Activity Sensing Corpus and Applications, Ubicomp ISWC 2023.
Galindo-López, C. R., Beltrán, J., Pérez, C. B., Macias, A., & Castro, L. A. Classifying interactions of parents and children with Down syndrome in educational environments using deep learning. In 2022 IEEE Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC) (pp. 1-8). IEEE Press.
Aguirre-Fraire B., Soto-Mendoza V., Beltrán-Márquez J., Pronóstico del consumo eléctrico doméstico empleando técnicas de aprendizaje automático, 1er Congreso Estudiantil de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, Universidad de Coahuila, México.
Ruiz-Castrejon, C., Perez, C. B., Beltran, J., & Domitsu, M. Content-based recommender system by user's visual attention. In 2022 IEEE Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
Jessica Beltrán, Omar A. Montoya-Valdivia, Ricardo Bañuelos-De La Torre, Leonardo Melendez-Lineros, Gabriel Parada-Picos, Cynthia B. Pérez and Ciro Martínez-García-Moreno, Smart technologies for monitoring older adults with dementia, ICSC-CITIES (2021).
Jessica Beltrán, Image Classification with Deep Learning to Support Disease Diagnosis, Session Health Care Application, Annual Meeting of the Siam Mexican Section.
Cynthia B. Perez, Jesus R. Villavicencio, Jessica Beltran, Roberto Limon-Ulloa, Perla Duran, Samuel Torres, Bryan García, Plataforma Digital para la Seguridad Escolar mediante el Control de Acceso Automatizado basado en el reconocimiento facial, COMIA (2021).
Encinas Monroy Iván Alejandro, Sánchez Gámez Luis Héctor, Beltrán Jessica, Castro Luis A. Studying the association of users’ depressed moods and posting on Instagram, ENC, Agosto 2020
Carlos Ramón Galindo López, Luis A. Castro, Cynthia Beatriz Pérez Castro y Jessica Beltrán, Meditación en la vida cotidiana para la reducción de la ansiedad en adultos: Un estudio empírico en México, MEXIHC (2021).
Hernandez-Cruz, N., M. Garcia-Constantino, J. Beltran-Marquez, D. Cruz-Sandoval, I. H. Lopez-Nava, I. Cleland, J. Favela et al. "Study Design of an Environmental Smart Microphone System to Detect Anxiety in Patients with Dementia." In Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, pp. 383-388. ACM, 2019
M. García Constantino, J. Beltrán-Márquez, D. Cruz-Sandoval, I.H. Lopez-Nava, J. Favela, A. Ennis, C. Nugent, J. Rafferty, I. Clealand, J. Synnott and N. Hernandez-Cruz. Semi-automated Annotation of Audible Home Activities, ARDUOUS'19, Percom (2019).
Jessica Beltran, Isaac Ríos-Vázquez, Ámbar S. Sánchez-Cortez, René F. Navarro, Luis A. Maldonado-Cano and Mireya S. García-Vázquez, A preliminary study using a web camera-based eye tracking to assess novelty reaction allowing user interaction, MexIHC (2018).
Luis A. Castro, Amanda Tapia, Cynthia B. Pérez, Jessica Beltrán-Márquez, Towards Human-Centric Interfaces for Decision Making Support in Geriatric Centers. UCAMI (2017).
Luis A. Maldonado, Jessica Beltrán, René Navarro, Mireya S. García and Luis Castro, Towards Early Dementia Detection by Oculomotor Performance Analysis on Leisure Web Content, Mental Health: Sensing and Intervention workshop at Ubicomp (2017).
Amanda Tapia Zazueta, Luis A. Castro, Cynthia B. Pérez, Jessica Beltrán-Márquez, Hacia la construcción de una herramienta de visualización de datos en centros geriátricos, (Towards the construction of a data visualization tool for geriatric centers), CISTI (2017).
Antonio Ordorica, Marcela Rodriguez, Luis Castro and Jessica Beltran, Support Vector Machines for Inferring Distracted Behavior of Drivers Wearing Smart Glasses, UCAMI Nov 29th-Dec 2nd, (2016).
Marcela D. Rodríguez, Antonio Ordorica, José M. Ramírez, Luis A. Castro, Jessica Beltran and Ángel G. Andrade, SVM to Infer Drivers Distracted Behavior: a Feasibility Experiment, Inteligencia Artificial: Métodos y Aplicaciones, ENC, Nov 12th -14th (2016).
Amanda Tapia, Jessica Beltran, Valeria Soto-Mendoza and Karina Caro, Designing visualization tools to support older adults care process, Workshop on Clinical Computing and Medical Informatics, ENC, Nov 12th -14th (2016).
Jorge H. Robles, Cesar R. Encinas, Jesus G. Zarate, Joaquin Cortez, Jessica Beltrán and Luis A. Castro, Uso de red neuronal para estimación del estrés en personas jóvenes en actividades sedentarias (Neural networks to estimate stress on young people with sedentary activities), Workshop on Clinical Computing and Medical Informatics, ENC, Nov 12th -14th (2016).
Jessica Beltrán, Valeria Soto-Mendoza, J. Antonio García-Macías, Karina Caro, Smart Spray-on Clothing for Disabled and Older Adults in AAL Settings, Future of Pervasive Health Workshop in Pervasive Health Conference, May 16th (2016).
Karina Caro, Jessica Beltrán, Ana Martínez, Valeria Soto-Mendoza, ExerCaveRoom: A Technological Room for Supporting Gross and Fine Motor Coordination of Children with Developmental Disorders, Future of Pervasive Health Workshop in Pervasive Health Conference, May 16th (2016).
Raihana Ferdous, Venet Osmani, Jessica Beltran, Oscar Mayora, Investigating correlation between verbal interactions and perceived stress, 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015, vol., no., pp.1612-1615, 25-29 Aug. (2015).
Valeria Soto-Mendoza, Jessica Beltrán, Edgar Chávez, Jehú Hernández, J. Antonio García-Macías, Abnormal behavioral patterns detection from activity records of institutionalized older adults, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop, HBU 2015, Osaka, Japan, September 8, (2015).
Jessica Beltrán, René Navarro, Edgar Chávez, Jesús Favela, Valeria Soto-Mendoza, Catalina Ibarra, Detecting Disruptive Vocalizations for Ambient Assisted Interventions for Dementia, Workshop on User and Ambient Adaptive Gerontechnologies (WAGER), UCAMI, (2014).
Luis A. Castro, Jessica Beltrán, Moisés Perez, Eduardo Quintana, Jesús Favela, Edgar Chávez, Marcela Rodriguez, and René Navarro. Collaborative opportunistic sensing with mobile phones. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, (2014).
Efraín Rincon, Jessica Beltrán. Mónica Tentori, Jesús Favela, Edgar Chavez, A Context-Aware Baby Monitor for the Automatic Selective Archiving of the Language of Infants, 2013 Mexican International Conference in Computer Science (ENC), vol., no., pp.60-67, Oct. 30 2013-Nov. (2013).
Jessica Beltrán-Márquez, Edgar Chávez, Jesús Favela, Environmental Sound Recognition by Measuring Significant Changes in the Spectral Entropy, 4th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, (2012).